Raptor Axe

This was a very interesting commission project! A friend wanted their axe fixed up and a sheath made for it with the Toronto Raptors logo on it. Now if I were to say this was a horrible hatchet…it would still be a major understatement! This thing was dull, rusted, the handle was cracking and it couldn’t even cut paper.
I spent a lot of time on this axe, making a custom fit sheath, hand dying the logo (with a little paint brush) and I decided to do a custom handle wrap along with fixing up the blade and handle.

If you want to check out the whole process I have a couple of YouTube videos on this build. Axe Restoration - Custom leather sheath and handle wrap and Cross Stitching Leather - Tutorial
This project really shows that no matter how bad something looks, there’s still hope to bring it back to working condition and make it into a piece of art that you’ll appreciate and maybe not leave out in the rain and snow…


Pencil Holder


Mushroom Knife